Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pizza Friday

 This is something that my mom always did when I lived at home (she still does it even though I'm not at home..).  Every friday we had Pizza no matter what!  My friends would all come over and we would eat pizza like crazy.  My poor mother!  I'm pretty sure that at one point she was making at least 5-7 pizza's to feed everyone.  

This is a tradition that I want to keep alive, and my family has no complaints. :)  So here's to Pizza Fridays!


Elizabeth said...

Becca, love this pictures! My favourites are Wilson chill'n and Zina in her swimming gear. Honestly, these pictures almost make me want to sell alarms all day so I can hang out with you guys at night.........enjoy the hot weather for me....

RayHome said...

O.K Liz and Becca are both ready to leave right now. Arizona really looks like the place to be.

veryterry said...

Cheeeeese! Hooray for mealtimes on the counter top! ...even if you don't let them eat there, just tell me you do and then I won't be the only mom who lets her kid eat on the counter :)