Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Yesterday it rained and I hid my head in the sand. All day long.  We didn't go anywhere.  I stayed inside all day long and popped popcorn, played games, watched movies.  I wore sweats and snuggled in a blanket.
I probably can't do that all winter in Utah.  
Maybe I'll stop being a wimp sometime soon.  At least I let the kids outside to play.


Brian and Emily said...

You're the best Mom!! Your kids are so beautiful, keep 'em coming!!! So are you in Utah then? What are your plans?

Callie said...

Oh, so glad we weren't the only ones curled up inside.

Brooke said...

I think that was the longest day ever! I hope that doesn't happen again for a long time. Such a funny video- with Wilson biting you and Zina trying to splash Sam. Ha! Love it.