Thursday, March 10, 2011

Putting it off.

 At first it was because I was just enjoying my little ones, playing hopscotch, playing "school", keeping my house clean, enjoying the sunshine. 

And then it was because we went to Utah.
For a funeral.
And then it was because I didn't know what to say. 
So I guess I"ll just say it how it is.

I love my in-laws. 
I'm grateful for the family that I became a part of 6 1/2 yrs ago.
Jessa and Morgan work'n it.

They are happy people. 
 Even when they gather together to mourn together.
there is laughter
there is singing
there are games
there are friends
there is service

Kurty & Grandpa Jay

Zina, Wilson, Mark

Zina, Kate & Ellie in their matching Christmas pajamas.

Sam & Wilson on Marilyn's wiggle racers. (The funnest toy ever!)

These are all pictures I took the whole week.  It doesn't seem very long ago when we gathered together for this.   And even after the funeral it seems hard to wrap my mind around someones daddy, husband, brother, uncle, son, and friend being...just gone. 
What would I do without the knowledge that they aren't just gone?
My sister-in-law Marilyn has a gift.  
She makes friends easily and is happy.  Laughter and love come easily to her.
This last week as her and her 3 kids said goodbye to their dad, amidst all the tears and disbelief.
and wondering why?
 she could still laugh. 
We don't know Heavenly Father's time table.
But we do know he loves us. 
We do know that he sent his Son.
We do know that our Savior Jesus Christ died for us.
That we might live again.

We love you Marilyn, Kate, Wade, & Piper.
We miss you Mark Jones.
We are praying for all of you.


Rachel Chick said...

You are such a beautiful person, Becca Thomas. Thanks for sharing.

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Ah Sheesh Bec, I'm so sorry to hear about that.