Tuesday, April 26, 2011

International MBA Rugby World Cup

A couple of weeks ago Mark took off for Durham, NC where Duke was hosting the International MBA Rugby World Cup tournament.  I know, Mark is in Medical school not Business school, but when Wells invited him to play on the Thunderbird Rugby team he couldn't resist.  Most of the tournament was actually played in Danville, Virginia along the Danville River.   At one point I was talking to him and he mentioned that Ireland was playing Stanford.  What the Ireland?  I guess they were pretty good. :)There were many times when I asked myself why we (yes we) were going to Medical School and playing on a rugby team at the same time.  But the kids enjoyed going to the games and Mark enjoyed the exercise and most (some) of the time it was not that big of a deal.

Mark missed the, "grow a mustache and dye it black memo" so he dyed his flavor savor....
Wells and Mark enjoying some southern blue grass, and BBQ. 
Wells definitely did NOT miss the "grow a mustache and dye it black memo":)
The rugby pitch.

Look'n pretty tough.  Apparently it rained quite a bit while they were there and  a lot of the games were played in a mud hole. 
And the trophy.  Thunderbird won the plunger trophy. A.k.a Consolation. :)
I let Zina and Wilson sleep on the floor in my room while Mark was gone. :)  I thought this picture was cute. 

Oh ya.  
I think we are all glad Rugby is finally OVER!! 


RayHome said...

yay for rugby!

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

During the "off season" Mardy was at football practice once a week. Now that its on again its back to three times a week. At least he's a law student so I always get to see him so its no big deal about practice....