Monday, April 18, 2011

Sam - 12 mths!

I took Sam into his 12mth appointment.  He weighs 17lbs and 15 ounces.  2nd percentile.  The docter wasn't super happy about it.  She wants to do a blood draw.  I wasn't super happy about that. I told her that Mark weighed 18lbs at his 12mth appt.  The dr. back then told Judy to take him to a nutritionist at the University of Utah.  And my mom said I was probably close to that weight also.  
It's all in the genes I say!

Either way, this little squirt is FULL of mischief.  His favorite place to be is on top of something.  The table, the toy shelf, the chairs, the couch, the stools, the name it, he'll climb it.  I have started pulling the chairs away from the kitchen table because every time I turn around Sam is ON the kitchen table.  Why do I not remember this with my other kids?

pleased as punch

On his actual birthday we had pancakes and ice cream for breakfast.  That was about it since Mark was at the National MBA rugby tournament at Duke.  (another post entirely)

I did let him do his favorite thing... dance on top of the table. :)

But later when the Thomas clan was here we had a real party for him.

This was kind of an impromptu birthday cake.  With everyone here there was a lot going on.  I did manage to make a buttermilk white cake with whipped cream cheese topping then I just wrote his name with the blueberries and threw a candle on it.  It worked. :)
And he thought it was yummy.  He was also extremely tired.  We had spent the day at the children's museum so by the time we had dinner, cake and presents he was almost at the end of his rope.

It was fun to celebrate our little Sam.  
A few other memorable things about Sam: 
*My favorite thing ever is when he smiles and scrunches his nose up.  He gets that sparkle in his eye that is so cute.  One of these days I'll catch a picture of it. 
*He likes you to think he's going in for a nice sweet cuddle and then nabs you with his teeth.  Yep, he's a biter and it hurts!
*He loves his Momma.  Understatement of the year.  We are best buds because he can't stand to be away from me.
*He loves to be outside.  He might possibly choose outside over momma.
*He doesn't really have a favorite food.  He will love something one day and refuse it the next.
*He's been known to grab fistfuls of hair and not let go....
*He loves to laugh at Wilson and Zina and most of the time giggles when the wrestle him.

happy first year Sammy!


Rachel Chick said...

So sweet. You have such a cute little boy. None of my girls, except Violet, have been over 18 lbs. at their one year check up. I wouldn't worry about it. I think it's just that they're really active babies and genetically they don't pack on the pounds. Definitely not worth a trip to the nutritionist. :)

RayHome said...

Love this post, Love this boy!!!

Brooke said...

What a climber! I want to see this in action. All those pictures of him on top of various furniture are hilarious.