Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sunshine makes me happy.

And it's seriously affecting our decision on where we want to live for the next 4yrs. 
To bad we only kind of get a choice. :)

This was a beautiful sunshine-y day. 
We were beyond happy to be outside. 
Can you tell?

Zina celebrated 100 days of school last week.  We had a hard time deciding on what she wanted to take to school (100 somethings).  Finally I grabbed some sparkly foam while at walmart and we cut out 100 hearts.  She was beyond happy because really what 6yr old girl wouldn't be happy with 100 sparkly hearts.  These pictures are from the left over foam.  I love when little kids get creative.  Wilson even wore his to the store.  Zina chickened out on the way in and took all of hers off  and then regretted it as soon as Wilson started getting comments on how cool he looked.  She had to tell everyone who complimented Wilson that SHE had some on too and she only took them off so they wouldn't blow away. Uh. huh. 


Attena said...

cant wait, cant WAIT, CANT WAIT!!

RayHome said...

Such a great story!!!

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

haha, your kids are funny! Don't worry, anywhere you go you will get sun shine days. We even get some in England...well not today..but on Monday morning for about an hour it was so nice I went for a walk along the beach. True story.