Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tulsa Thomas'

Way back when we moved we spent some time in Tulsa with Wells/Emily and Co.
It was fun to see their Oklahoma digs and let the kids play.  I thought Oklahoma was such a pretty state.  So far I'm really lik'n the Midwest!

Isaac and Sammy enjoying a popcorn treat.
We went fishing one afternoon at a little pond.  The kids loved it.  They each caught many a fish and did pretty darn good sharing two fishing poles between the lot of them.

Mark stayed longer than the rest of the adults so the kids could get their fish'n fill.
(He's a saint I tell ya!)
The girls caught a turtle and Ellie said, "Careful it's a snapping turtle."
Mark said, "What no-way." and put his hand out and sure enough that turtle snapped so fast that he barely got away in time!
(Actually I didn't get away in time

The kids spent the evenings playing rugby, soccer and baseball in the backyard.
Every time Sammy put on this helmet he put it on backwards.  
Such a cute little baseball player!

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