Monday, July 2, 2012

First Day!

Mark's first day as Dr. Thomas!  I am excited and nervous for him.  I woke up and made him breakfast  before he left and then told him if it were me I probably wouldn't be able to eat any of it because I would be so nervous. 
He ate it all so he must have been feeling fine. :)

His first rotation is Cardiology with crossover on-call in the ICU.
Last night we went and shared our  fresh raspberry pie with another intern family in our ward.
Mark and Greg gave each other blessings.
I think they were feeling the weight of being responsible for another persons life.
So grateful for my Dr. Thomas and his dedication to his family, and the gospel.
Good luck today honey!! 

1 comment:

Bri said...

Yay for Dr. Thomas!!! He looks so serious and like he knows what he is doing!! I hope it all goes well and that you continue to feel well!!