Sunday, February 24, 2013

Life through instagram + 4mths for Davey.

Sometimes these pictures never make it onto the blog.  So here is my attempt to streamline all the pictures from all the different devices into one place along with a little update.

I took Davey in for his 4mth checkup.  He is so adorable.  So happy and smiley.  
4mth stats:
Height 24inches - 11%
Weight 14.2lbs 27%
Head Circ. 41inches 14%

Davey will be 5mths in 1week!  Man time flies.  The other day I put him on his tummy and left to help the other kids with something and when I came back he had moved about 5ft!  I couldn't believe it! He kind of rolls in circles/scoots around which is crazy because he really just figured out rolling about 1wk ago.  He had done it earlier but without really realizing that it was him that made it happen!

Welcome to a rare day during a Michigan winter.  Clear blue sky and a beautiful sun.  Oh how we've been missing the sun!! Mark broke down and bought a bottle of Vitamin D the other day.  Spring can't come fast enough!!  
Aw!  All snuggled up and ready for sledding. :)  He actually made it down the hill once or twice. :)  Those pictures would be on Mark's phone of course. :)

These two were fighting about who got to get the mail so I made them hold hands all the way to the mail box.  They came back giggling. Phew!  (that could have backfired rather easily!!).

Davey was sleeping and the older 2 were out playing in the snow.  My little AZ boy who doesn't like the cold got to play games with Mama.  It was so nice to spend one on one time with my favorite 2yr old!

  We were tending for some friends who have twins.  There were babies everywhere!!
Doesn't Mark look happy.  He's kind of a baby whisperer.  Ok, not really.

I made homemade marshmallows for Valentine's Day.  Just especially for my sweet Zina who had been begging me to make them for weeks.  I don't like marshmallows particularly but let me tell you.  These babies dipped in chocolate on top of hot chocolate - Heavenly.
I also made this the other day.
SO SO good. 
I have never tasted better yogurt.
And putting that yogurt on my fresh ground whole wheat pancakes topped with my own bottled peaches, sprinkled with some ground flax...yep, made me pretty darn happy.  Someday I'll make it with fresh milk from the cow and add a few scrambled eggs from the hens out back and then my happiness will be ten fold.

None of us can get enough of this boy.  He is just so happy, and innocent, and adorable and ticklish.
I want to have babies forever.  
I can't seem to keep the password to the ipad a secret.  And even if I could they've still figured out how to take pictures without the password.   (I secretly like finding funny pictures of them, but don't tell. :)

And this pictures pretty much sums up life around here these days.  Messy, chaotic, lots of emotions, a little bit of cabin fever, but in general happy to be alive, healthy, and have each other. 

1 comment:

Rachel Chick said...

This makes me happy. And I love that last picture. It looks like home (at our house). Awesome!