Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's 2013 + Miracle of Togetherness

Making Valentine's for our Friends.

Good morning!  Papa woke up extra early and snuck Valentine's into our envelopes.  The kids and I loved waking up to love notes from the Man of the house. 

Since the kids are home schooled I wanted to make sure they didn't miss out on a Valentine's day party. We had a lot of fun decorating together and they were even in the kitchen till the very end: Zina making the fruit pizza icing, Wilson stirring the Macaroni, Sammy grating cheese, and Davey snuggling Mama in the wrap.  Go team go!
Everyone helping Davey like tummy time. :)
Yeah!! Welcome to our Party!  
Usually dinner time is a juggling act for me.  I am nursing/feeding Sam(why won't my two yr old eat!!)/feeding myself/cleaning up spills/pouring water/loading plates etc.  During this meal I was doing all of this as usual when I just paused and sat still for a moment.  I took in all of my surroundings and looked at each family member.  Oh how I love them!  They were eating, laughing, smiling, cooing and it filled me with joy.  I was so grateful for our moment of togetherness.  We eat dinner together almost every night, but this night I just felt it fill up my heart and I tried to freeze the memory in my mind for forever.  I realized that we won't always be together in this life.  For whatever reason - kids grow up, move out and have babies of their own, death strikes, etc. But, because of Jesus Christ we WILL be together forever.  And these little pieces of the celestial world that I feel in my own home will be my eternity.  And that is a miracle.  I am so grateful for my own little glimpse of eternity on Valentine's Day.  Because truly love really is what it is all about. 

Love notes from Mama wrapping up some yummy chocolate. 
My kids are always begging me to make macaroni and cheese. 
Mark doesn't eat a lot of cheese so I rarely make it.  They were so happy for mac and cheese!!
(Don't worry, Mark and I went on a V-day date on the 12th and had some of the best Mexican food we've ever eaten!)
This kids worked hard to fill Papa's envelope up with Valentine's.  They loved watching him open them all up.  

This picture cracks me up.  No matter how many times I tell Sammy to not climb on the table he sees nothing wrong with just strolling across to tell papa something!
We played Valentine's minute-to-win-it which no one won because NON of us got the math equation at the end right.  Haha. Not even Mark. :)

Bingo!! + love this little Mama!
My kids LOVE kiwi.  They cannot get enough of it!
Happy Valentine's day everyone!!


Rachel Chick said...

You make adorable kids!!! Plus, what a great mama. Way to go with the party!

britni jean said...

What a fun party!!! I like seeing your home! Your family is so fun. I love you guys!!!

CGibb said...

K, so I love the idea of using a mirror for tummy time! Why haven't I ever thought of that? BRILLIANT.