Sunday, March 1, 2009

These are the days.

Today I am grateful. Grateful that Mark's 2nd term is over. Grateful that he loves to play with us. Grateful that my kids make me laugh everyday. Grateful that even though stake conference was painful today (because my kids were a little on the un-reverent side) I still like going to church. Grateful for friends to share good food and conversation with. Grateful for beautiful weather and a yard for my kids to run in. Grateful for Zina's giggle. Grateful for Mark's machete. Grateful for my nice soft bed that I am going to climb into...soon.

Zina is in to "posing" for the camera.
She has been dressing herself for awhile now, but the other day she put on this outfit and came running out to show me. "Mom, I look so cute.  Look Mom, it's just pink pink pink pink!"

This was an impromptu water fight.  Aren't those the best kind?  The kids giggled through the whole thing while Brenda and I just sat back and watched...ok, we giggled too.

And this was our first day with Mark home ALL day to play.
It was beyond heavenly.  And we get him all week!!!
These are backwards but we started out doing yard work, then went on a picnic/hiking and then swimming.
Did I mention it was heavenly?

Here is Wilson enjoying some strawberries during our picnic.

Here we are doing yard work. Notice Zina's pose...
And yes, Mark really did "mow" our front lawn with his machete. 
I was pretty skeptical but he got tired of me pulling the weeds out
by  hand.  I admit it. I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out so good.  
And I'm sure our neighbors think we are totally nuts, but come on, my husband has been waiting 5 years to use that machete and he finally got his chance. Maybe when Mark's a doctor we'll be able to afford a lawn mower.  Ya right, like that's the first thing I'm going to buy..ok maybe we will invest in one before then.. 

And here is our hike and my sweet Wilson boy.

Posing again and she had to pee so she just worked that in. 
Can you tell?


Kim said...

Cute post Becca! I LOVE all of the pictures of Zina posing:-) So precious! It looks like you guys are really enjoying your break. We'll have to plan another pool party soon!

Brenbren said...

I LOVED the article. I sent it to my dad and he thought it was really interesting too. Love the pics!

Criscell said...

What a great post! Sounds like you're having a wonderful time with Mark home. I loved the pics with the machete! Sure hope your head feels better in the morning. Mark told me what happened when he picked up your kids tonight--they were great by the way.

Rachel Chick said...

LOVE these two most recent posts! They are so sweet and I love seeing the wonderful relationship that you have with your little family --- they are absolutely adorable! I hope all is going well with Dr. Mark! Good luck to both of you. --- By the way, I see your lovely weather and green grass and I am so very jealous!!! :)

Alisha said...

I would have to agree with Rachel about the jeolous thing! Your kids are getting so big and cute! Wilson's hair is so blonde!