Monday, March 29, 2010

39 weeks, Wilson's Hair cut & Baseball

Well, here I am 39 weeks and 1cm dilated. Thats more than I've ever been dilated before actual labor has begun so I'm feeling pretty good. :) I feel like my belly is HUGE in this picture. I have officially gained 3 more pounds with this baby than the others which puts me at a lovely 33 pound weight gain from start to finish...well maybe finish I guess I could gain a lot more weight if Sam decides to pull a Zina and come 2 weeks late. :)

Yesterday before church I asked Mark to give Wilson a quick haircut. Apparently I need to work on my communication skills because this is what happened!!! Really! Not what I had in mind. It's a good thing Wilson is so cute and can pull this off.
Our home teacher's wife said he looked like he was on chemo.
Really, he is adorable no matter how is hair is cut. And he actually was pretty excited between his new haircut and his first tie to really look "just like papa."

The kids have been learning the song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." Wilson likes me to play it on repeat and then they beg and beg to go play baseball. We have been having a lot of fun trying to teach a 2yr old and a 4yr old the basics of baseball. We use my dish towels for bases. It's pretty funny but they LOVE it.


Ashley said...

lookin' great becca. I've gained ten more pounds then you ..grrr! You are all belly! I hope you have a great Easter with your mom down to help you and can't wait to see baby pics soon !!! Good Luck!!

RayHome said...

Wilson looks pretty darn cute in that shirt and tie... CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM FOR OURSELVES!!! So so so excited to get to AZ!!

Bri said...

You're almost there!! I can't wait to see him! And you're all belly, you look great!!

Travis and Kamala Sloan said...

Wilson looks so much like Mark. You guys look great.