Saturday, March 6, 2010

The last spring break.

Other than the fact that we have no income, the life of a student is pretty great. Who else gets two weeks off for Thanksgiving? We have so enjoyed our "last" spring break before Mark is done with coursework and starts his rotations. It was even nice that he had to study for boards. Did I just say that? No, really. If he doesn't have a schedule or something to do he sort of goes into study withdrawals. It's true. My husband loves school and misses studying when there is no studying to be done. He's insane - I know. But I also love that he loves to learn and that he is passing that on to our kids. Anyways, we have had some fun just being together and enjoying being 4 before we turn into 5!

Building a fort in Mom & Dad's bedroom for some sleep over fun.
Yep, we're pretty excited to have Dad home a little more.
I think they like him. :)
We spent an evening touring Saguaro Ranch park and were pleasantly surprised. We loved the old farm houses and machinery and reading all about their past.

The kids loved watching the roosters run around, but were a little nervous around them. I love this picture because you can tell Zina is worried about the one behind her.
Does anybody know what kind of bird this is? I feel like I should know. I mean I grew up on a farm right? But I have no clue.
Wilson LOVED the machine on the right. If you look close it has a "pusher" underneath it like a road grader. Wilson loves pushers. There were a few machines that we wished we had Grandpa there to explain what they might have been used for. We figured he would have a better idea than us.
After touring the old farm we played at the park. This park was really cool. Zina loved it. I am seeing more of these around. They have signs that say they are made for 5-12 yr olds and adult supervision is required. Zina loves climbing and balancing on them.
This is Wilson working with his "snow blower."
Mark showing the kids how the monkey bars are done. I love Wilson's face in this picture. He was tickled pink to see how monkey bars are really done.
Here I am in all my glory. 35 weeks and counting.
Zina being a sloth. Her words, not mine.
This moment had me laughing so hard. I couldn't hold the camera still. The kids love to play football with Mark. Wilson is trying to figure out how to be the quarterback but since he is usually the center he couldn't quite figure out which way he was supposed to turn. He would do this over and over until I think he was doing it on purpose to get me and Zina to keep giggling - it totally worked.

Mark finally made it to a Phoenix Suns game courtesy of Wells & Emily. They were playing the Jazz & the Jazz won so Mark was pretty happy - even with their awesome seats. I volunteered to stay home and tend all the kids that night, which actually wasn't bad at all. The cousins all get along so well that it makes tending them a breeze.

The kids helped me get some much needed cleaning done while Mark studied for boards. I love that we clean half naked. "We" as in Zina & Wilson. I was fully clothed. Promise.
Friday we made it to the Children's museum. Zina has been wanting to take Mark here for ages. We met up with Wells, Emily and fam and the kids enjoyed playing together.

After the museum we detoured to Smeeks, a little candy shop that I wanted to see and the kids rode home in a sugar-induced coma. :)
(p.s. if you are wondering what that is on Zina's head it is a "princess" headband she made at a birthday party a year ago and has recently rediscovered. She loves it and insists on wearing everywhere!)

And this is what we did when we got home to get rid of some sugar highs. It happens to be one of the kids favorite activities and they are always asking Mark if they can go wrestle now. :)

Today (yes I am actually blogging on the day that the pictures were taken - I don't think that has ever happened before!) ok today we planted the garden. The kids are so into helping lately and truly enjoyed digging in the dirt with dad. I think I heard Mark tell Wilson to watch out for the lettuce about 50 million times. :) The lettuce and carrots we planted in October - they had a rough start when they were eaten by a flock of quail but they seem to be making a come back so we planted the corn, squash, cucumbers and tomatoes around them. Grow little garden grow!

After all that gardening and some errand running Mark felt the need for some exercise so we went hiking. I'm not sure how effective exercising with a 2yr old, 4yr old and an 8mth pregnant wife was but he indulged us anyways. I, at least, got some exercise. :)

The best part was that it RAINED while we were hiking. It was so beautiful and the hills really did look very green which is such a novelty here that I really enjoyed the hike. I have to admit that I'm always comparing our hikes here to ones we have done in Utah, Canada, & Alaska and umm, well hiking in the middle of the desert, in the middle of the city just doesn't compare. But today, I just liked it. So great job Thunderbird conservation park. Today you were liked.


Travis and Kamala Sloan said...

The bird is a guinea hen. We used to see them all the time in Cali, they were wild and made weird noises. So do you guys know where you will be for rotations? Travis is going all over the place next year. I am staying here in Ohio though. Kinda a bummer. Keep in touch, love the pictures.

munyer jerk chicken said...

36 weeks already? has it gone as quickly for you as it has for me? (your pregnancy, i mean ;)
good luck with the last couple of weeks. and big hugs to everybody.

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

your pictures made me laugh. Looks like your having fun. I think I will need to go to that farm museum next time I am there. Miss you!

Brenbren said...

You guys had fun!!!! I love the song playing right now..."I am the Luckiest" I could really see how much you love your family and had a great time with them!!!!

Kellen and Erin said...

You guys are awesome but looking at your blog makes me miss Arizona... so stop it.
-Love, Kellen

The Lowry's said...

Fun fun fun oh and fun!