Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Posts like this one might be more common in the future. It's 12:50am and Baby Sam has the hiccups. Yes, he's still inside of me but I'm hoping that in the near future he will have hiccups not inside of me. 3 pieces of honey toast later he still hasn't settled down enough to let mommy sleep. At least it tasted good. (And no I didn't really think honey toast would cure his hiccups, but it did cure my craving for honey toast.) So other than being extremely tired and uncomfortable 90% of the time I have been feeling fine. I have been so so grateful for my kids who have been champs at not doing as much as we normally do and for Mark who has been the sounding board for a lot of complaining. I try not to, honest. Oh ya, and for Mark who came home early today to make dinner because I was to tired to do it. I took a nap while he made casserole and gave into Wilson's pleadings, "Tan we doe on a bike wide Papa?" I married a good man. Man, I love him.

A few I like from last week


Rachel Chick said...

Oh, I love that picture of Zina! SO gorgeous. I wish we could come visit! Springtime in Arizona sounds lovely! :) Only 17 more days to go!!! I'm so excited for you to have your new little one!!!

Criscell said...

I LOVE that pic of the rainbow and Zina! SO beautiful! It was fun to see you guys at cooking group today.