Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Recap on Canada Day

First and foremost - Happy July 1st to every Canadian/Raymondite out there.  I SO wish I was gathered with family right now eating breakfast and getting ready for the parade.  But we are leaving for Payson, Utah today and I then I can sit and commiserate with my mother-in-law.  She understands.

They say that pictures say a thousand words.  Well, here are a thousand pictures.  How many words does that say?  :)  I think we'll just suffice with - WE LOVE CANADA. :)

Mark and I were having a heated game of HORSE and Sam wouldn't be happy unless someone was pushing him so Zina pushed him all around Grandma's driveway through every puddle she could find.  And he was totally content.
And I lost the game.

We had to make a trip up to Waterton and it was absolutely gorgeous.  We hiked up to Bertha Falls and had a picnic at Emerald Bay.  
Zina got a little to close to the edge and fell in the lake.  She was so mad at me when instead of comforting her I grabbed the camera, but when we started cheering for her she decided it was pretty cool and both her and Wilson got in again!

After dropping Mark off at the Great Falls airport I came home to find Attena taking the kids out for a picnic in the sunshine. So I joined them!

Attena found her passion in life - photographing her niece and nephews
I love this picture of Sam sitting on Grandpa's chest.  And especially smiling at whatever Grandpa is telling him.
It was Father's Day so we had to celebrate this guy.
He is a 100 year old Father, Grandfather, & Great Grandfather after all.
We celebrated in true S.B. style.
Once when I was a little girl we had thanksgiving dinner at G&G Williams house in Turner Valley.  All of the sudden Grandpa Williams stood up on his chair, put his foot on the table and proposed a toast in true military style.  (my grandparents met, and fell in love, in the Canadian Army during WWII).  All the grandkids loved it and everyone was laughing and it was even more fantastic because Grandma Williams was SO mad at him for putting his feet on her nicely put together thanksgiving table. :)

So for Father's day all of the sudden my mom stood up and put her foot on her nicely set dinner table and  proposed a toast.
To S.B.
It was fun and my kids thought it was great.  After they got over their confusion. :)

The best part.
The three musketeers!
Sam 2mths, Nate 2mths, Brigham 4mths.
Yes, they are giants and yes, Sam is my little squirt!
Summer time and the liv'n is easy!
The 5 oldest grandkids
Liam 5, Camden 3, Wilson 2, Jacob 7, Zina 4.
The reason behind Jacobs bandage:  Johnny was helping Jacob ride one of the bigger bikes, but instead of breaking Jacob ran into the barbed wire fence to the horse pasture.  It was just a little scratch + blood but he insisted on putting tape on it.  In the morning when Grandma ripped the tape off she also ripped some hair.  Then she gave him that large bandage to solve the torn hair off pain. 
Look'n good Jacob!
We love little people!
Camden and Wilson = Best buds
These two were hilarious.  Wilson would push Camden down and then ask:
"Awe you o'tay Camden?"
and Camden would reply:
"Ya, I'm otay."
When it was Camden's turn on the strider bike Wilson would stroke his face and say:
"It's otay Camden, it's not you tuwn yet.  It be otay."

Impromptu concert: Attena on the violin, Jacob on the piano, Zina vocals.
Of course we had to hit up the new pool
The kids had so. much. fun.
even if it was a little cold for the Arizonians. :)

And that's a wrap. (for now)
Because I need to pack for Utah.
We miss you Canada.
Be back soon.


RayHome said...

Doh! We miss you guys too. Today I told Camden that I missed Wilson and he gave me a very sad look and said, "me too."

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

I was able to skype with all of my sisters yesterday. It made it a little more bearable not being there. Looks like you had a ton of fun and I hope you have fun in Utah.

Rachel Chick said...

Awesome. I always love your posts. I also think that I would like your family. How fun! I'm so glad that you got to go and spend so much time with them.