Sunday, August 15, 2010

A boy named Wilson.

Meet Wilson. 
He turned 3 on August 6th.
He is creative and builds amazing creations with his blocks.
He is a tease and often wears a mischievous grin and has a twinkle in his eye.
He doesn't like you to snuggle him, but he loves to snuggle you.
He runs extra fast when wearing his running shoes.
He loves to play imaginary games.
 His favorite: rocket ship.
if I'm lucky he lets me wear the pink astronaut suit.
He needs positive recognition and often tells me:
"Mom did you see? I was very reverent."
"Mom did you see?  I dave Sam a tiss."
"Mom did you see? I shared with Zina."
He doesn't like grapes or tomatoes but loves cucumbers.
He loves to swim and just learned to swim with his head under the water.
He has an infectious giggle.
He will wait for the 1....2....and then on 3 jump up and run 
 to do whatever it is I asked him to do.
He loves to end his prayers, "In the name of Jesus Christer, Amen"
I can't convince him to end them otherwise.
He helps me make dinner
every night.
I love this boy Wilson.
With all my heart.

Happy Birthday little buddy.
I love you.

The morning of August 6th going out to check for packages in the mail.

What did the birthday boy ask for for breakfast? Lucky Charms. :)

His birthday present from Mom & Dad.
Zina insisted on picking him out a Transformer.  She was SO excited to give it to him.
August 6th also happened to be the day when I had my oath ceremony to become a U.S. Citizen so Wilson got to spend most of the day at his cousin Bo's house which we probably would have chosen to do anyways. He loves his cousins. 
 We had a pirate party for him the next day.  It was a little chaotic but I think a success.  We tried to keep it to his little boy buddies + families which ended up being 13 kids and their parents!  

The invites.

The kids went on a treasure hunt. 

Where they had to find a cannon, octopus, shovel, ring, and walk the plank.  
(They loved the plank.  Each kid wanted to do it over and over and over again)
At the end they found a treasure chest full of pirate patches, ring pops, and bandanna's.
As soon as they were in the right attire they got to dig for pirate treasure in the sandbox.

Then everyone got to attack our homemade pirate, Yellow Jack.
FYI. You turn yellow if you don't eat your fruits and vegetables.
It's called scurvy.
{and Mark was super proud of his hangman's noose...above YJ's head}

I wish I could take credit for the cute skull and bones banner and the cute pirate cupcakes, but I can't.  A friend came to the rescue and added the perfect finishing touches to the party.
Thanks Tiffany!

I can, however, take credit for this uber-cute pirate. ARR!

And the pirate cake turned out better than I expected. 
 And was much easier than I expected.

Happy Birthday Wilson!!


Rachel Chick said...

What an adorable little birthday pirate! I love all your party pictures and your cake is AWESOME!

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Happy Birthday Wilson! What a cute kid.

veryterry said...

What a fun day! I hope you are going to print out that first paragraph about Wilson and put it in his journal or photo album someday--he will really cherish it. So sweet.

The Lowry's said...

What cute boy! He reminds me of Bryce in a lot of ways. Great job on a fun birthday party, the cake is awesome.

Sarah said...

He is such a handsome 3 yr old. I am very impressed with that cake you whipped up! wow. that is talent! YOu have such a cute family Becca!

Brian and Emily said...

He is such a sweet little man. I have always thought so! Way to go on the birthday party, Super Mom!!! He is such a big boy. How is that baby growing? I bet he is getting so big. Love seeing your kids, and all that makes you SMILE~

Tiffany said...

That party was seriously the best kid party I've been to. I love your tribute at the start of the post, too. You really are Supermom, but not in the obnoxious way. Just in the "wow I really should become more like her" kind of way. So thanks for that.