Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A little bit of yard work.

On the first Monday of every month the city picks up bulk trash.  So on Sat. we got out as a family and did some major yard work.  It was a super humid high 80's temp and it felt so good to get out and work. I wish I had a before and after of our trees.  Instead here are some pictures of where that little bit of yard work took me.  Back to the farm.  I'm pretty sure I was having muscle memory while shoveling rocks in the backyard.  They were singing.  Go ahead. Roll your eyes.  But my muscles were singing.  Mark mentioned that we might have to finish shoveling the rocks another day.  Then I attacked them and he apologized for ever doubting me.  He doesn't understand who I used to be. 
 Shoveling is a lot easier than mothering.

Dear Farm, 
I miss you.
Dear Muscles, 
I'm glad your back..well sort of back.

Dear Southern Alberta Sky, 
I miss you everyday.
Dear Little Mark in the picture, 
I can't wait to see you in 91 days when
you get home from your mission!!


RayHome said...

From Liz: Nice. I was trying to tell Marta how tough you used to be and how wimpy I used to be. She didn't really get it. Maybe if I had a close-up of your muscles...I'll send her this pic.

Too bad we've changed places now! sigh...I am getting tougher by the day!

RayHome said...

I have to say that this post brought a tear to my eye. Probably the music and the fact that I just took Attena and JB down and dropped them off at the farm or because I just sent a letter off to Mark to encourage him in his last three months. Also because all the times I hated the farm, and yet you were able to flick the switch and love it. Don't tell anyone...there were times when I loved it too :)

Thomas Family said...

Your muscles are back? Or they're hiding in your back?

Rachel Chick said...

Love. This. Post.