Thursday, April 30, 2009

Milestone Stories

3 1/2
Zina can now drink from the water fountain by herself.  She no longer needs her stool to wash her hands in the bathroom, and tonight I was to tired to tell a bedtime story so she told me one.   It went something like this, "Once there were three bat musketeers.  They fought and cut off all the heads and then turned into princes.  And then there were 5 mermaids.  Their names were Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Anna, and Annabelle.  Then they turned into humans, then they turned into fairies.  But they didn't turn into anything anymore."  There was much more, something about building wood floors and working really hard, but I had Wilson's Baby Tad singing "Twinkle Little Star" in my ear so it was very difficult to hear.  I finally had to tell her to finish her story in the morning because it was time to go to sleep.  The past couple of mornings she has woken up and declared, "Mom, today I'm going to be nice."  Sweet.  I'm thrilled.  The best part is that she has stuck to her guns pretty well.  I have to remind her sometimes but for the most part she has been very sweet to all of us.  Her giggle is infectious and I love to hear it.  

1 1/2
Wilson copies everything she does.  The other day we were out running with the jogging stroller and she was worried that the wind would blow her bow out of her hair (because I was running SO fast right!)  so she had both hands on top of her head to hold it in.  Then I looked over and Wilson and he had both of his hands on his head to.  It made me laugh.  Wilson is also learning to tease!  I think it's so funny.  He has started blaming his toots, fluffs (whatever you want to call it) on ME!  It's so funny.  He'll let out a little toot and then smile and say, "Tootsy Mama."  It makes me laugh every time which is something I probably should NOT do but then I try to put the blame back on him and he just grins and says, "tootsy Mama"  He is a stinker.  Pun intended.  And to top it all off tonight while I was singing them to sleep he started to sing "I love to see the Temple" with me.  Ah, this boy melts my heart every time.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A little late.

So Easter at our house was pretty laid back this year - for me anyways.  On Easter Sunday I had to pick my mom and brother up from the airport so Mark was in charge of dinner.  I was pleasantly surprised to find a full-blown Easter dinner waiting for us when we got home.  It was so yummy.  Mashed potatoes and gravy, roast chicken, broccoli and corn, green salad with homemade garlic croutons, deviled eggs, and rolls (ok I had made those the day before).  It was so nice to be able to sit down to such a delicious meal without having to put in the effort to make it!  Thanks for the break honey.  Your the best!
I didn't even make the effort to by Easter Bunny things this year.  I fully intended to I just ran out of time.  The kids still went on two Easter egg hunts - one for play group and one that Midwestern put on.  Zina's favorite part was the coloring/craft room after the hunt.

Look how overcast it is!  They had to have the hunt inside because of the rain.   Wilson finally got to wear his winter clothes for the first and last time.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Grandma & Uncle Johnny

My mom and little brother Jonathan came to visit us from the 12-23rd.  It was awesome.  Someday I WILL live close to family.  It really means so much to me to have them come and visit and Zina and Wilson adored having them around. 

Before I get into the visit however I am proud to say that Wilson got a haircut!!  It's his 5th or 6th one since he was born, and boy did he need it bad.



So my mom really is the greatest.  I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, and again.  She is always up for trying and learning new things.  After raising her own eight children she started working for the government of Canada as a Parent Coach.  Now she gets to do cool things like become licensed in Infant Massage and go to conferences with Neuro-scientists and learn about infant brain development and teach "coping with toddler behaviour" classes and she is so supportive and helpful when it comes to me trying to be a good mom.   I think I have the greatest role model in the world.  I love you mom, come back soon!

Grandma reading Zina "Little House on the Prairie"
Laughing together in the backyard.

My new haircut.  My mom and I and Wilson all got our haircut together.  I like it, but I did have a bit of a anxiety attack when I realized that a lot of the layers wouldn't fit in a ponytail!  What do I do now?

My mom took these pics of the kids and I think they are so sweet.
Especially this one.

We did some shopping and Grandma bought Zina a cute Easter dress.
Ok so I feel a little sheepish about posting this one.  Zina likes to have Royal tea parties and I am always Snow White and have to wear my white dress to tea.  She loves that I get dressed up too and I have to admit - it's kind of fun wearing my wedding dress again.  I only got to wear it for one day after all!  My Mom always let me and my sister dress up in her wedding dress and so that has always been my plan for my dress - someday Zina will be wearing it to tea instead of me. 

  These last three pictures are when my Mom let Zina & Wilson paint the bathtub with shaving cream.  They LOVED it.  Even Uncle Johnny got involved and then it turned into skating in the bathtub because it was so slippery.  Zina was so excited to tell me about it when we got home and she has been asking to do it again and again.  While they were doing this Mark and I were able to go on a nice date to the temple and to Organ Stop Pizza after.  It was SO nice and we both thought the restaurant was really cool.  We will definitely be going back again.  I wished that we had taken my mom and Johnny because they would have loved it.  They will just have to come back for another visit.

The kids really loved having Johnny to play with.  Zina kept following him around even when he was ready for a break.  It was pretty cute to watch.  He was such a great uncle to play with them so much while I finished off the first three Fablehaven books.  Actually he finished all three too so maybe it was Grandma who did all the playing...
It got up to 100 degrees while they were there so of course we had to make a couple trips to the pool to cool down.  Thanks Criscell and Brenda for making that possible!

Johnny helping Wilson swim/drown.

A group shot!  We never get these since I'm always the one behind the camera.
We hit up the Phoenix Children's Museum.  
The noodle forest was Uncle Johnny's favorite part.
The marketplace is always Zina's favorite part.

We walked around the Historical Square for a while and found some yummy Mexican food to eat.  By the restaurant were some fountains that Zina and Wilson loved.  The picture above is my new favorite pose of Zina's.  :)  That same day we made it to the science center which was really cool, but for some reason I don't have any good pictures from there.  Probably because my mom was the one taking them and she was having to much fun to bother.  

We wore Zina right out.  She fell asleep while coloring at the kitchen table.

We did some shopping at the Anthem outlets and then let the kids play at the Anthem City park.  It has Zina's favorite "castle" playground.

Thanks Grandma and Johnny we LOVED having you here and can't wait to come visit this summer.  

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rain anyone?

When asked how much I like Glendale I always say, "A lot, but probably not enough to settle here.  I miss the seasons."  Snow is a lot of fun when you have kiddo's kick'n around.  Fall colors are so beautiful etc etc.   Well today it has been overcast and rainy ALL day.  At first I liked it.  A change in the weather is always exciting.  It makes hot soup yummier, and baking cinnamon rolls more fun and snuggling up warmer.   Well, we went to the schools Easter egg hunt and the bottom of my pants got all wet walking from the car to the rec center.  Blast.  When we got home today I just couldn't find my get up and go.  Which, technically I can't blame solely on the weather because I stayed up much to late last night, but gosh darn it I MISS MR. SUNSHINE.  And he's only been gone for about 10 hours.  I think maybe we will be in Arizona longer than planned.  Or maybe I'll acquiesce (can I use that word here?)  Mark's wildest dreams and move to Panama. 
 I am one of those people affected by the weather.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


 In the past Zina has always been excited for the Easter bunny,  and I have always enjoyed buying her a beautiful Easter dress, candy eggs, and random things like bubbles.  This year I wanted to do something different.   I felt like Christmas really got away from me and we focused to much on the getting instead of the Savior and giving.  I really love the Easter season and I wanted to celebrate my Savior.  I wanted some way for my kids, young as they are, to understand what Easter is really about.  So I went hunting for some ideas.  I found what I was looking for HERE. I filled 12 eggs with scriptures each one leading up to the Resurrection.  In each egg is also something to go along with the scripture - like nails for the scripture referring to the nails in the Saviors hands and feet, or white strips of cloth for when they found the empty tomb with only the wrappings left etc etc.  The 12th egg I decided to talk about how families can be forever because of the Savior's atonement.  I have been really happy with Zina's reaction.  She helped me fill each egg and she excitedly reminds me that we need to do an "egg" after dinner.  She sits and listens to the scriptures and understands so much more than I thought she would.  Next year I think I will get pictures to go along with each egg.  I think the Easter Bunny will still make a showing but at least our focus will not be solely on the material things.  I am so grateful for the Easter season and for all that it stands for.   I am grateful for the Internet that helps me with ideas like this because I would never think of it on my own.  I am grateful for two beautiful children and I hope that they will feel the love that the Savior has for them not only every Easter but every day.

Happy Easter

Monday, April 6, 2009


1. This Prophet of God
and the great weekend I had listening to him and others speak eternal truths.
2. These two hooligans
3. This cheezer
4. This Mola dress made by Panama's Kuna Indians
5. This Apron and the fact that she insists on only wearing it one way

This way, for obvious reasons.  
I have yet to put the final stitches in it - soon...maybe.

7. These frames.  My first ever wood constructions 
 (excluding feed troughs, and cattle fences of course)

The prints are from Elizabeth's (sister) adventures in Taiwan.  The tree's represent the growth of the church in Taiwan (or something like that) either way I like them.  Not enough to pay the $300 they wanted for a custom frame, but enough to make my own.
8.  This Night Around the World. 
Panama was of course our favorite booth.
9.  This Sunday afternoon

Races at the park..

Bike rides.. 
Gotta love the elbow and knee pads... 
10.  Last, but not least - these three or maybe 2 1/2 - sorry your head is cut off honey...