Monday, April 6, 2009


1. This Prophet of God
and the great weekend I had listening to him and others speak eternal truths.
2. These two hooligans
3. This cheezer
4. This Mola dress made by Panama's Kuna Indians
5. This Apron and the fact that she insists on only wearing it one way

This way, for obvious reasons.  
I have yet to put the final stitches in it - soon...maybe.

7. These frames.  My first ever wood constructions 
 (excluding feed troughs, and cattle fences of course)

The prints are from Elizabeth's (sister) adventures in Taiwan.  The tree's represent the growth of the church in Taiwan (or something like that) either way I like them.  Not enough to pay the $300 they wanted for a custom frame, but enough to make my own.
8.  This Night Around the World. 
Panama was of course our favorite booth.
9.  This Sunday afternoon

Races at the park..

Bike rides.. 
Gotta love the elbow and knee pads... 
10.  Last, but not least - these three or maybe 2 1/2 - sorry your head is cut off honey...


Travis and Kamala Sloan said...

So when is a third little kiddo gonna come? Your kids are so cute. We miss you guys.

Rachel Chick said...

I L.O.V.E. it! So many wonderful things! And, by the way, WAY TO GO on the frames!! I'm impressed! Good job, Becca!!!

The Lowry's said...

what a great list of things you love. Great job on the frames and the apron. So talented.

Criscell said...

That apron turned out darling! Way to go--and on your frames too. I'm very impressed.