Wednesday, April 8, 2009


 In the past Zina has always been excited for the Easter bunny,  and I have always enjoyed buying her a beautiful Easter dress, candy eggs, and random things like bubbles.  This year I wanted to do something different.   I felt like Christmas really got away from me and we focused to much on the getting instead of the Savior and giving.  I really love the Easter season and I wanted to celebrate my Savior.  I wanted some way for my kids, young as they are, to understand what Easter is really about.  So I went hunting for some ideas.  I found what I was looking for HERE. I filled 12 eggs with scriptures each one leading up to the Resurrection.  In each egg is also something to go along with the scripture - like nails for the scripture referring to the nails in the Saviors hands and feet, or white strips of cloth for when they found the empty tomb with only the wrappings left etc etc.  The 12th egg I decided to talk about how families can be forever because of the Savior's atonement.  I have been really happy with Zina's reaction.  She helped me fill each egg and she excitedly reminds me that we need to do an "egg" after dinner.  She sits and listens to the scriptures and understands so much more than I thought she would.  Next year I think I will get pictures to go along with each egg.  I think the Easter Bunny will still make a showing but at least our focus will not be solely on the material things.  I am so grateful for the Easter season and for all that it stands for.   I am grateful for the Internet that helps me with ideas like this because I would never think of it on my own.  I am grateful for two beautiful children and I hope that they will feel the love that the Savior has for them not only every Easter but every day.

Happy Easter


Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Oh Becca, I love you. You are such an inspiration!

Rachel Chick said...

So sweet and such a good idea!

Travis and Kamala Sloan said...

I did something similar for my Achievement Day girls. I enjoy Easter too. Its a wonderful time of year.

The Lowry's said...

My visiting teacher told me about this same idea that she does for her grandkids every year. I wanted to do it for Jaycie this year, but just never did it. (we might be putting our house up for sale in the next week or so, so i was trying to get the house more organized and because of that missed this precious opportunity to do something fun and meaningful for easter urgh! Next year right?) Anyways I'm glad it turned out well and that Zina enjoyed it.

Criscell said...

WOW! Super idea! I only wish I had read this post sooner. I really wanted to something more like that this year. I didn't really do much of an Easter basket with Caysja for this exact reason--it's just too materialistic.