Monday, May 30, 2011

A cut and paste.

From the family website to Elder Keeler.

Dear Adam,
This week was my last week of my surgery rotation. no more cutting people open, playing with their insides and then stitching them back together. I enjoyed it whiled it lasted. It was my last rotation of 3rd year and now on to 4th year. I spoke in church today about priesthood authority. It was a really great talk, probably the best one anyone has ever given. It was mostly a lot of quotes from general authorities that were strategically placed to form a talk. Anyway, enjoy your mission. This may be the only letter you receive from me. Mark only received one letter so I think I have fulfilled my quota.
Mark T.

Dear Adam,
This week I did a lot of packing and very little sleeping. But, Sam no longer nurses at night and sleeps in his own little Sammy bed (until 3am when he toddles down the hallway to climb in bed with me - but trust me that is much better then the way things previously were). Due to said lack of sleep I had a lovely moment of losing my sanity and duct taping Wilson's arms to his body so that he would stop punching his little brother and saying, "What's UP!" It wasn't the most effective form of discipline I've ever used. I am proud to report, however, that Zina IS learning to use her words just as I have been teaching her. Case in point:
One afternoon as I was trying to put Sam down for a nap I overheard Zina telling Wilson the following (picture her fists clenched, face red) "Wilson, grrr, I am so frustrated with you. YOU better run as fast, rrrr, as fast as you can or I'm going to hit you and it's going to hurt really REALLY bad!" I promptly heard Wilson's feet race down the hallway to the safety of his room. Then race back to Zina where he said, "I'm telling Mama!"
At least she used her words before threatening to use her fists. right?
Also after helping Wilson wrestle Papa (because he came running to me for help) I gave Mark a big smack on the lips only to look over and see Wilson with raised eyebrows and an all-knowing look on his face. He then stated, "You guys are maywwied, huh." Yes, Wilson. We are indeed married. :)
So, in a nutshell. This week was just like all the rest. Learning to control our tempers, curb our tongues, love each other and enjoy the ride. :)
Perhaps this week we will find somewhere in Utah to unload all of these boxes I've been packing?
love you lots.
Here is Sam.  His new thing is to bring us all sorts of clothing and want us to put them on him.  He is wearing his socks, robeez shoes, sandals, my socks his shorts and shirt and one of Mark's garment tops.  And he is happy as a clam. :)

And last but not least. On Friday my friends took me out for a goodbye becca party and bought me dinner.  So sweet.  I feel like this move is premature.  I guess because it is.  We really weren't planning on moving for another year and I am going to miss these girls!
We went out for dinner at 7.  The cafe closed at 9 so we just visited outside until 10:30.  You could tell no one wanted to go home quite yet. :)
From left to right: (sorry for the crappy pic)
Kindi, Callie, Brooke, Amanda, Tiff, Me
Funny thing is up until last week before Amanda had her baby I was the only one of these girls not pregnant. Did that make it sound like I'm pregnant? I'm not but I feel like everyone else is. :)


RayHome said...

Great Stories! Thanks for sharing them!!!

Brooke said...

Yay for dinner! And for Sam wearing every item of clothing possible, and Wilson having his arms duct taped, and Zina telling Wilson he'd better run away fast. Haha. Such a funny post, I loved it.